VW Volkswagen Jetta 020 Gearbox Input Shaft Front Bearing (8 Valve)
- The product featured is a high quality branded VW Volkswagen Jetta 020 Gearbox Input Shaft Front Bearing (for 8 valve models).
- Autogear Limited only supply major branded bearings of high quality and excellent performance. All of our bearings are designed for racing application and competition purposes.
The item contents consist of 1 X VW Volkswagen Jetta 020 Gearbox Input Shaft Front Bearing (for 8 valve models).
Based on the 5 speed 020 gearbox transmission this item fits the following car manufacturer and models:
VOLKSWAGEN: JETTA 1.6 (1986-1991), 1.8 (1986-1991), 1.8I (1986-1987), 1.8GT (1987-1992), 1.8GT 16V (1987-1991), 1.6 DIESEL (1986-1991), 1.6 TURBO DIESEL (1986-1991).